Theresa Lane

Therese Lane

Therese brings her lived experiences to many different areas of research and healthcare. Living with pain and arthritis since her mid-teens, she is currently a volunteer with the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance as a Steering Committee member and is actively involved in CreakyJoints’ Canada-based efforts. She is a patient partner with a number of different research projects and initiatives including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research funded Chronic Pain Network, a project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council called “Toward democratization of health: a sociological exploration of patient engagement in pain research (PEPR),” and provides her lived perspectives on the Canadian Pain Society’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Her experiences with living with pain and arthritis have led to her helping others understand and see how pain treatment is not always reaching the people who need it most (such as those who are marginalized, live in poverty, and women). Her own past history of active addiction and untreated mental health issues have made her all too aware of the stigma, judgment, and barriers faced by those who wish to access appropriate treatment for pain. Like many individuals with lived experience, Therese brings her perspectives to the table in hopes of helping others.