Research Ready Mentor Spotlight: November 29, 2022

Each month, a Research Ready mentor from the Community of Practice hosts an online workshop to share best practices and highlight exceptional processes. Be sure to sign up for the November Workshop learn about how to handle missing data. And don’t forget to join the Research Ready Community of Practice for ongoing discussion after the event.

Missing Data – NULL doesn’t mean useless!

Real data is often messy and incomplete, and its important to understand how to handle missing data. On November 29th, database administrator and analyst, Chris Battiston, will be discussing causes and types of missing data, how to reduce missing data during the design phase, data quality checks and how to handle missing data during those checks/analyses.


Christopher Battiston, REDCap Administrator / Research Data Analyst, Research Operations, The Center for Health Research Information Systems

Chris has over 20 years experience as a database administrator / data analyst, with more than half of that in healthcare.  He has been a REDCap Administrator for over 10 years, and has won numerous awards for training documentation and community involvement.  He has experience in data quality, regulations, validation, and training users.  When he’s not geeking out in front of a computer he’s spending time with his wife and toddler.

Online Workshop Details

Date: November 29, 2022

Time: 1pm to 2pm

Registration: click here

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