Research Ready Mentor Spotlight: September 13, 2022

Each month, a Research Ready mentor from the Community of Practice hosts an online workshop to share best practices and highlight exceptional processes. Be sure to sign up for the September Workshop learn about the shift from paper-based processes to electronic formats. And don’t forget to join the Research Ready Community of Practice for ongoing discussion after the event.

Moving Away from Paper: The Implementation of Regulatory eBinders

As a result of the pandemic there has been a desire to shift many paper-based processes to an electronic format. Join us on September 13th with Megan Reilly, Clinical Research & Compliance Officer at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI), to discuss the implementation of regulatory eBinders. Megan will be speaking on challenges, solutions, implementation, pros, and cons of regulatory eBinders.


Megan Reilly, BA (Hons) Psychology, Compliance Officer, Clinical Research & Compliance, University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI)

Megan earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Queen’s University in 2008. In 2009 she began her career in Hospital Administration at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in the Department of Finance & Administration. During her time in this role she worked closely with Research Administration in many areas and gained an appreciation for the research being conducted at the Institute. Megan joined the Clinical Research and Compliance Office in April 2018 as the Compliance Officer. Her primary role is to support Clinical Research Staff and Clinical Researchers in navigating the complex regulations, guidelines and policies, governing the conduct of clinical research, to ensure study compliance. Megan earned her Research Administration Certificate in the Summer of 2020.

Online Workshop Details

Date: Sep 13, 2022

Time: 1pm to 2pm

Registration: click here


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