Successful First Research Ready Mentor Spotlight

In January 2019 CTO hosted its first Research Ready Mentor Spotlight webinar. Each month, a Research Ready mentor from the Community of Practice will host an online workshop to share best practices and highlight exceptional processes. January’s workshop featured Geetha Sanmugalingham, a certified Clinical Research Professional.

Geetha’s workshop was titled Capturing & Reporting data effectively: Using REDCap’s full potential. The workshop gave an introduction to REDCap, a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. Other topics covered included an introduction to electronic data capture, building a CRF and building dynamic reports.

This workshop had over 80 attendees and Geetha engaged this audience with polls and questions throughout the session. If you missed the workshop, you can watch a recording of the webinar here:

Be sure to join the Research Ready Community Practice to join an interactive Q&A for this workshop and to learn about upcoming Research Ready Mentor Spotlight webinars.

Host a Future Workshop

Are you an expert in your field? Do you have a skill you could share with the research community? If you would like to host a Mentor Spotlight webinar, please contact Linnea Aasen-Johnston at 

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