Supporting Clinical Trial Participants

Clinical trial participants provide an invaluable contribution to research and the generation of new knowledge. Therefore, ensuring that participants are provided with the tools to navigate the complexities of a trial is essential. To learn more about how to best support clinical trial participants, visit the Participant Information and Support section of CTO’s Participant Experience Toolkit.

In the video below, Kathie Zeman, Patient Engagement Education Specialist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, explains her work to support potential participants with respect to clinical trials.

About the Participant Experience Toolkit

In order to help clinical research teams make sure participants feel informed and valued, Clinical Trials Ontario worked with the community to create the Participant Experience Toolkit. The Toolkit provides guidance, considerations, and examples to inspire the clinical trials community to improve the participant experience. This toolkit was co-created with patients, participants, health charities, patient organizations, Research Ethics Board representatives, clinical research coordinators and industry representatives.


#TalkClinicalTrials is a campaign led by CTO with the a goal of building awareness around clinical trials. Why? Because clinical trials matter to all of us. They help to generate better treatments and technologies and ultimately help shape the future of medicine. Explore more stories from the series and join the conversation on social media using #TalkClinicalTrials.