Science and serendipity unite to improve sight: the Centre for Contact Lens Research

This is part of a continuing series showcasing some of Ontario’s many clinical trial strengths and assets.

About 140 million people worldwide wear contact lenses and if you are one of them, chances are you are wearing a product that was tested at some point in its life cycle at the Centre for Contact Lens Research (CCLR) at the University of Waterloo.

Cutting-edge clinical trials in stem cell and regenerative medicine

This is part of a continuing series showcasing some of Ontario’s many clinical trial strengths and assets.

In a trailblazing clinical trial taking place in Canada’s largest city, Dr. Michael Fehlings is testing a therapy that involves injecting human neural stem cells into patients with spinal cord injuries. His aim: to help people with paralysis recover mobility in their limbs.

Bringing the outdoors to the indoors: Environmental Exposure Unit

This is part of a continuing series showcasing some of Ontario’s many clinical trial strengths and assets.

When a pharmaceutical research company from India wanted to test a new nasal corticosteroid for allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, it went half-way around the world to connect with the Environmental Exposure Unit (EEU) in Kingston, Ontario.

Conducting cancer clinical trials on five continents

This is part of a continuing series showcasing some of Ontario’s many clinical trial strengths and assets.

As Canada’s largest adult cancer cooperative group, the Canadian Cancer Trials Group (CCTG) is dedicated to answering a question that is critical to every cancer patient: what is the best treatment for me?